mobile-phone-span Hotel Mira Vista - 6009 Potrero Avenue, Berkeley, California 94530
Check In: Apr 19
Check Out: Apr 20
1 Room, 2 Adults, 0 Children
Room 1:

Authentic Guest Reviews – Hotel Mira Vista

Please leave a review of your experience during your stay at the Hotel Mira Vista. We strive for excellence and any feedback you provide, whether positive or negative, will help improve our service, amenities, rooms, and overall hotel offering. We take feedback from our guests to heart and use it to continue to be the top rated hotel in El Cerrito and the Berkeley area as a whole. To leave a review, you’ll need to provide the email address you used when making your reservation – This is how we make sure all of our guest reviews are 100% genuine and in turn able to provide confidence to future guests when making reservations at our North Berkeley hotel. Please complete the review form as thoroughly as possible. Thank you in advance for your time and effort in helping us strive for excellence.
The following guest reviews are submitted by guests after their stay at the Hotel Mira Vista. These reviews are the opinions of the guest that reflect their experience at this property.
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7 Reviews from our Guests
  • Guest Room 100%
  • Service 100%
  • Value 100%
  • Cleanliness 100%
  • Comfort 100%
  • Location 80%

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Juan C.
Juan C.
"Staff great! Very helpful!"

"We had a long flight, arrived early. Unfortunately no clean room available but in less than an hour it was. Staff helpful in other ways directing us to places, helping...."

Alvin G.
Alvin G.
"Good value"

"Pleasant staff, clean and comfortable room. Breakfast embarrassing; we had to eat breakfast out to have decent food....."

Carmel P.
Carmel P.
"Good value, comfortable, convenient with minor problems."

"A good value for the money. Convenient for travel and everything in the Bay Area if you don't mind driving a short way or taking BART, which is close....."

Michael G D.
Michael G D.
"Good value, surprising comfort"

"Nice room with kitchen. Pleasantly surprised by the value for the money in the East Bay. Yes, we would stay here again....."

Lillian P.
Lillian P.
"Great for the value"

"Room is big enough, the wall behind the tv was dusty. The elevator smells bad....."

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